Welcome to CheekAge Explorer

A tool for exploring buccal/lifestyle data and for CheekAge calculations.

CheekAge Explorer

You can use this tool to explore a large human buccal dataset in the context of a lifestyle and demographic survey and to run predictions on methylation EPIC data.

The Methylation tab will let you plot specific CpGs as a function of age or delta CheekAge, the Explore tab can be used to generate custom plots from lifestyle, demographic, technical, and predicted data, and the Prediction tab can be used to run the CheekAge clock on your own methylation data.

For more info please see the CheekAge: A novel next-generation buccal epigenetic aging clock associated with lifestyle and health.

To download a sample dataset for prediction please right-click and save this sample dataset.
If you have a larger dataset you would like to process, please reach out to [email protected] to set up a collaboration.

Note: TallyHealth does not collect data uploaded for use with this tool.

Disclaimer: This tool is provided for academic use only.

Disclaimer 2: The CheekAge prediction module assumes beta or M-value EPIC methylation data from buccal cells.
Select axis and use sliders to explore data
Total samples:
Age prediction results will appear here. CheekAge is calcualted as a weighted mean of an ensemble of buccal clocks. 95% CI is the weighted 95 percent confidence interval given the ensemble predictions. Sample dataset.
You can copy the table and paste into Excel or similar spreadsheet editor as formatted text.